Those who have read the enlightening book by Orlando Figes, one of the leading experts of Russian history and culture in Europe, will be able to understand much better the assumptions of this magnificent record: not only because among the composers included therein is Pauline Viardot, but also because the English historian identifies the period of the creation of Europe’s cultural identity precisely with the years after the middle of the nineteenth century, marked by the widespread spread of railway networks. The 23 tracks on the CD bearing the title “Voyage,” released by Prima Classic (the label of Marina Rebeka) with the collaboration
of the Palazzetto Bru Zane, insist especially on the years 1860-1890s, in France those on the threshold of the Belle E´ poque and the Second Industrial Revolution: Years marked in a profound way, at the cultural level, by the taste for the ”elsewhere,” for an East whose boundaries are as ever blurred, ranging from the Hungarian plains to the Balkans, to of course India, China and Japan…
By Nicola Catto` / Rivista Musica / November 22